Writing a proposal: Forming a group called Back to Basics.1. Let me start by saying this is a nursing bachelors class called Psychosocial health in nursing.

Writing a proposal: Forming a group called Back to Basics.1. Let me start by saying this is a nursing bachelors class called Psychosocial health in nursing.

BUT it’s really a class about groups, group members, leaders and group sessions, group dynamics.The text book we use is called Groups Process and Practice 9th edition by Marianne Corey, Gerald Corey and Cindy Corey if that will give you an idea of what she is looking for.2. Briefing about my topic: My group will be called Back to Basics and it’s a group I’m forming to reduce the amount of time teens spend on social media.the group purpose will be to explore a life outside of social media and get more in touch with creativity, kids will participate in interpersonal skills building that social media steals, outdoor activities exploring nature and the world and this is why I called it Back to Basics because I want to get back a little of how life was before social media.Social media has negative effects such as bullying, sexism, isolation and sexual predators. I want our group meetings to be about self worth, leadership, career goals and self identity.I need activities that we can do that can limit and get kids away from social media.I want this proposal to SHOW how I can remove these kids away from social media with this group.Create a fun, safe environment for today’s youth without relying on social media.3.Please number the pages and fill up exactly two pages she is very strict with that and strict with grammer.4. Proposal is to be minimum of 350-500 words. Funding must be required, include a discussion of the budget being requested5. List 3-5 objectives (see taxonomy) objectives are written in action format and must be achievable with specific time frame of your group session:The group can hold 5-10 members, ages 13-186.List the topics to be discussed7. Identify the requirements for group membership ( be specific- attendance, behavior)8. Lost topics to be discussed for each meeting9. Identify meeting days, time , place (start date, end date)10. Provide brief overview of group leader (50-100 words)11. Identify sources of your research12. Paper must be 2 pages, font size 11 or 12




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