Where do you want to be in 5 years? How can you achieve this goal? Working in NEURO icu?.The textbook offers several time-management methods. How did you use these during your clinical time?


Where do you want to be in 5 years? How can you achieve this goal? Working in NEURO icu?.The textbook offers several time-management methods. How did you use these during your clinical time?

2. The textbook offers several time-management methods. How did you use these during your clinical time?

3. Describe a method to reduce the interruptions you experience during a clinical day.

4. What did Navuluri mean when she said, Does this mean nurses own their time?

5. Who controls your time? How can you change this?

6. Keep a diary of all the activities you do in a day. Do this for 3 days. Which of these activities are necessary? How can you save time and become more efficient?

7. List the activities that you enjoy that can serve as a break in your busy schedule. Which of these may be used as a short-term break to re energize a tired mind and body?

8. Role-play a scenario in which you need to get a unit report completed for an accreditation vis it. How would you streamline your work and set limits to get the report completed?

Textbook Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management 5th
Diane K. Whitehead; Sally A. Weiss; Ruth M. Tappen
978-0-8036-2208-1 Davis Company, F. A.



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