What are your personal values and beliefs about nursing, health, environment, and patient care delivery?

What are your personal values and beliefs about nursing, health, environment, and patient care delivery?

Theory Integration

Select a theory or model that might be valuable in your advanced nursing role or that interests you. Explain your response to the following questions:
1. What are your personal values and beliefs about nursing, health, environment, and patient care delivery?
2. What are the underlying assumptions, values, and beliefs of the particular theory or model that you have chosen?
3. Is this theory or model congruent with your own values and beliefs about nursing, nursing care, nursing environment, and health.
Topic 2: Global View
Select a global view [paternalistic, feminist, modernism, postmodernism] and explain how this identifies to your overall outlook of life.
Topic 3
One of the greatest scientific developments of the past 150 years is the discovery of antibiotics. For some basic background on antibiotics, listen to this very brief Centers for Disease Control (CDC) podcast about antibiotics:
There is, however, a dirty little secret about Alexander Fleming and his discovery: it was an accident! As Fleming worked in his lab in the late 1920s growing disease-causing bacteria in tiny petri dishes, he got a little sloppy by leaving the petri dishes uncovered too long. One story even suggests that he may have sneezed into one of his petri dishes. Regardless of the exact cause, what resulted was a mold infestation on some of his bacterial dishes. However messy Fleming was, he was also smart enough to see that the mold infestation was killing off the bacteria he was studying. Completely by accident, he had found something that killed disease-causing organisms.

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