Original instructions: Paper should be 5 pages, double-spaced, and times new roman 12-point font. Your paper should integrate your thoughts and reactions to the readings.

Original instructions: Paper should be 5 pages, double-spaced, and times new roman 12-point font. Your paper should integrate your thoughts and reactions to the readings.

DO NOT summarize the readings. Your paper should be based on critical thinking and reflection of the topics raised by the readings. Use quotes sparingly; if you use a quote, you will need to cite the page number and source. Pick 3-4 discussion paper idea questions and go in depth on answering and analyzing. Discussion Paper Ideas: What are the strengths and weaknesses of a rehabilitation team? What are the skills necessary to be a good team member? What are unique team issues for the treatment of children? What are some of the benefits that Nesta experiences as an OT? What are some of the challenges that she experiences as an OT? How does Nesta work within a team in different settings? How does reading about rehabilitation from a healthcare provider perspective affect your outlook on the rehabilitation process? Source 1 (will not upload this source): Rovina, N. (2008). Tree barking. Berkeley, CA: BayTree Books. Read pp. 1 – 101 Sources that will be loaded: Behm, J. & Gray, N. (in press). Interdisciplinary rehabilitation team. Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC. Nijhuis, B. G., Reinders-Messelink, H. A., de Blécourt, A. E., Olijve, W. G., Groothoff, J. W., Nakken, H. H., & Postema, K. K. (2007). A review of salient elements defining team collaboration in paediatric rehabilitation. Clinical Rehabilitation, 21(3), 195-211. doi:10.1177/0269215506070674

Revision instructions: SOURCES: Only cited pages 1-24 for the book tree barking, the instructions say for pages 1-101. Also cited only page 58 for Behm, J. & Gray, N. (in press). Interdisciplinary rehabilitation team. Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC. Please include all of the sources from the instructions.
GRAMMAR: Please go over the entire paper. There are many grammar mistakes throughout the entire paper. A lot of confusing sentences and subject-verb disagreement.
INSTRUCTIONS NOT FOLLOWED: The writer summarized a lot. The instructions specified to not summarize, but to analyze and provide opinions. In addition, the paper is only 4 pages. I need another page written to make 5 pages.
CUSTOMIZE CONTENT: Take out “Before the exploring…productivity for the patient”. this is all summary. Add more description on the strengths and weaknesses of rehabilitation teams.
In the paragraph “First of all…in this field” elaborate a lot more. Explain why each element is necessary. Take out all of the ; and elaborate on each idea.
In the paragraph “As the experience…according own experience” completely redo this paragraph. You are summing up the book. You need to answer the questions in the instructions “What are some of the benefits that Nesta experiences as an OT? What are some of the challenges that she experiences as an OT? How does Nesta work within a team in different settings?”. Please elaborate on each question.
In the paragraph “Moreover, providing…work together” please explain your thoughts. How is it harder for children to go through problems and what do you mean by serious adult problems? What kind of individual problems do children have? Don’t all people, not just children, need physical, social, psychological, and educational support?




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