Is the mission statement focused on satisfying customer needs rather than being focused on the product?

Ashford 2: – Week 1 – Assignment

Develop a Mission Statement

Select an organization or department of your choice. Your task is to develop a mission statement. The mission statement describes the purpose of the organization (i.e., why the business exists). Develop and submit a one- to two-page paper (excluding title page and references) that establishes a mission statement and its meaning to the department or organization.
As outlined in the “Mission Statements” article (My Strategic Plan, n.d.), here are some things to consider when it comes to developing a mission statement:

  • Is the mission statement focused on      satisfying customer needs rather than being focused on the product?
  • Does the mission statement clearly      communicate purpose to customers?
  • Does the mission statement explain how the      organization closes the gap between customer needs and the products or      services offered?
  • Does the mission statement explain a      customer centered philosophy?
  • Does the mission statement match the      current market conditions/needs?
  • Does the mission statement reflect the      company’s strengths?
  • Is the mission statement motivating?
  • Is the mission statement realistic?
  • Is the mission statement detailed, brief,      concentrated and remarkable?
  • Is our mission statement clear and easily      understood?

You must use at least one scholarly source, in addition to the text and be formatted according to APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.