Intertextual Argument Essay

  1. This is the book u need to read”
  2. and the article below
  4. and I will write about
  5. The original play, wherein Richard manipulates/kills all the people to get all the power.
  6. Someone talking about Richard as a ‘real person’ in history, and how he wasn’t really like how Shakespeare portrayed him, but with a heavy emphasis on why he made these decisions.
  7. This is the outline –
  8. Introduction: The length of your intro depends on the length of your paper. Most of our essays are short, and will only need one introductory paragraph. If you are writing a longer essay, you may spend considerably more time giving your reader context, and work through it over more than one paragraph.
    1. Introduce first text (by title and author name) and give the main idea
    2. Introduce second text (by title and author name) and give the main idea
    3. Introduce any other materials, terms or phrases you plan to cover that the reader may not be familiar with.
    4. Make your claim that adds something new to the conversation.
  9. Body paragraph: All body paragraphs should focus on one idea- again, depending on the length of your essay, you may spend more than one paragraph on one argument, splitting your ideas down into more and more nuanced arguments. But for our essays, we will essentially make one argument per paragraph and stick with one piece of evidence (potentially from each article if necessary) per paragraph as well. Remember: Do all of these steps for each of your body paragraphs.
    1. Topic sentence: What are you arguing? Who is it in response to? Give us some context on the smaller scale.
    2. Choose and transform your evidence to fit your sentence and paragraph structure.
    3. Give us your evidence: If this is a moment where you are using one person to argue against another, you may need a piece of evidence from each. Otherwise, pick one thing to focus on to support your argument.
    4. Make sure to give us an MLA appropriate in-text citation at the end of any borrowed words, phrases, or ideas!
    5. Analyze your evidence: Don’t assume that your reader has read the entire article. Think about what this evidence looks like out of context; what does your reader need to know in order to feel its full impact? What do you need to explain to make it worth as much as possible to your argument?
    6. Explain your evidence: How does it support your argument? What are you trying to do with it?
    7. Explore the implications for your claim: What does this argument do to help your reader better understand your claim? What do you want them to learn? Who might this argument matter to, and why? Who might it not matter to, and how could you convince them to care?
  10. Conclusion
    1. Try to rephrase (quickly and concisely) what you have said previously. Do not just copy paste previous sentences. Really try to say what you already said in a new way- this might be your last chance to convince your reader!
    2. Explore the greater stakes: So what? Who cares? Why does any of this matter, and who does it matter to? Why is it so important to make your claim, and why should others take you seriously? What further avenues of inquiry could you suggest to your reader?