“If given the chance would you kill baby Hitler?”

You must follow all instructions exactly and use the exact book for internal citation.

Business Ethics

Assignment #4:  Ch. 7 and 8

The New York Times Magazine recently posed the question, “If given the chance would you kill baby Hitler?” Answer the question and then justify your response with either the Rights/Responsibilities lens or the Results lens. Be sure to reference the book (Everyday Ethics, Making Wise Choices in a Complex World by Catharyn A. Baird  ) and at least one outside source.

Your paper should:

1) be  1 ½  pages in length

2) contain appropriate and correctly formatted internal citations

3) a reference or works cited page

4) have 1” margins

5) have Times New Roman 12 pt font

You will lose a minimum of 20 points for incorrect internal citations and reference list. Be sure to check the Owl Purdue website for proper MLA or APA formatting.