Examine how healthcare management concepts and theories are applied to critical issues in healthcare organizations.

Examine how healthcare management concepts and theories are applied to critical issues in healthcare organizations.

Middleville Regional Health Care is one (1) of three (3) hospitals serving a community of 350,000 people. Summary statistics on Middleville and its competitors, from the AHA Guide, are shown below in Table 1. All three organizations are not-for-profit.

Table 1: Middleville, Brierfield, and Greystone Health Care Systems

Name Beds Admissions Census OP Visits Births Expenses (000) Personnel
Middleville 575 13,000 350 221,000 2,300 $125,000 2,000
Brierfield 380 17,000 260 175,000 1,200 $130,000 1,875
Greystone 350 10,000 180 40,000 900 $80,000 1,200

The governing board of Middleville hired a consulting company to evaluate its strategic performance, specifically in the areas of Human Resources, Information Technology, Financing, and Marketing. As part of the consultant’s evaluation, several leaders of Middleville’s units were asked their perspective of the organization’s performance.

You are working for the consultant. Your job is to identify the issues from the response that should be considered further by the consultant team and possibly discussed with the governing board and the CEO. The firm has a rule, “Never offer a criticism or negative finding without suggesting how the client organization can correct it,” so you must indicate what sort of correction you would recommend as part of your list. Because you know there were about two (2) dozen other interviews, you decide you should rank your issues in importance, to make sure the most critical are discussed.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

Explain the governing board’s role in these strategic initiatives, determining its responsibility and involvement.
Evidence-based management means that operational and strategic decisions are made based upon the evidence that goals and objectives are actually being met. Quantitative measurements must be identified and measured. This data is then used to evaluate the HCO’s performance. Name three (3) performances Middleville can use to measure its success in providing quality healthcare to the community, and identify quantifiable, measureable indicators that can be used to do so. Explain the importance of each performance measurement.
Given the statistics of Middleville and its two (2) competitors provided in Table 1, recommend to the HCO what areas it should focus on to maintain its competitive market share as well as continue to provide healthcare to the community in the 21stcentury.




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