Determine whether the given value is a statistic or a parameter. Based on a randomly selected group of 500 patients with high cholesterol, it was found that 67% have heart disease. 1) Determine wheth

Determine whether the given value is a statistic or a parameter. Based on a randomly selected group of 500 patients with high cholesterol, it was found that 67% have heart disease.
1) Determine whether the evaluated group is a population or a sample

a) Based on a randomly selected group of 500 patients with high cholesterol, it was found that 67% have heart disease. Is this a population or a sample; explain your answer.
b) An investigation of 150 randomly selected local restaurants concluded that 42% of local restaurants have serious health code violations. Is this a population or a sample; explain your answer.
2) Determine whether the given value is a statistic or a parameter.

a) A researcher determines that 42.7% of all downtown office buildings have ventilation problems. Is this a statistic or a parameter; explain your answer.
b) After taking the first exam, 15 of the students dropped the class. Is this a statistic or a parameter; explain your answer.
3) Identify the type of sampling used.

a) A tax auditor selects every 1000th income tax return that is received. What type of sample is this and why?
b) The name of each contestant is written on a separate card, and the cards are placed in a bag with three names being picked from the bag. What type of sample is this and why?
4) Is the study experimental or observation and why?

a) A political pollster reports that his candidate has a 10% lead in the polls with 10% undecided.
5) Select the study that is most appropriate and EXPLAIN WHY it is most appropriate for the study.

a) Is the aspirin produced by a particular pharmaceutical company better than that of a competitor at relieving headaches? Which of the following would best be used to study this: 1) a case-controlled observation; 2) an observation; 3) a double-blind experimental procedure; and 4) and experimental procedure.




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