Describe the characteristics of a prokaryotic genome.Unit outcomes addressed in this activity:  Describe the characteristics of a prokaryotic genome.  Explain the principle of genetic engineering and their applications.

Describe the characteristics of a prokaryotic genome.Unit outcomes addressed in this activity:  Describe the characteristics of a prokaryotic genome.  Explain the principle of genetic engineering and their applications.

Unit outcomes addressed in this activity:  Describe the characteristics of a prokaryotic genome.  Explain the principle of genetic engineering and their applications.  Select appropriate methods to study microorganisms.  Analyze the role of microbes in human disease and public health. Course outcome practiced with this Assignment: HS320-4: Discuss principles of microbial genetics in health science. Instructions  Prepare an outline  The outline must contain the following: 1. Title of the paper 2. Reason why you chose this pathogen 3. Three (3) main ideas/points that will be discussed (you must include importance of plasmids in bacterial genetics and in genetic engineering) Requirements  The viewpoint and purpose of this Assignment should be clearly established and sustained.  Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.).  Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.  Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics.

Using the topic from the above outline:

Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:  Describe the characteristics of a prokaryotic genome  Describe the roles of various microorganisms in our world  Select appropriate methods to study microorganisms  Analyze the role of microbes in human disease and public health Course outcome practiced in this Assignment:  HS320-4: Discuss principles of microbial genetics in health science. Instructions  Prepare an annotated bibliography o Annotations should include a summary and evaluation of the each source.  You are expected to use at least five (5) resources, including the course textbook.  All Internet sources must be original articles or government resources.  Wikipedia or other non-peer reviewed resources are not acceptable. Requirements  The annotated bibliography you submit must be your own work.  Use APA style for all citations.




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