Clearly prioritize the most significant changes in relation to maintaining independent self care living.

Clearly prioritize the most significant changes in relation to maintaining independent self care living.

Nursing (Aged Care)

• Report for a magazine
• Length: 2000

• NRS221 Assessment 1: Writing a report to promote the health, safety and independence of an older

• Choose one of the following case studies to write a report for the Nursing Magazine which is

read by nursing students.
• The theme of this month’s magazine is The experience of ageing in community healthcare.
• The report you will write is to help the readers understand the most important

concepts/principles when nursing older people. The aim is to promoting the health, safety and

independence of older people who live in the community.
• You are required to analyse your chosen case study and apply theories and principles of

communication and ageing. You will provide coverage of relevant age related changes and the

relevant assessments a registered nurse would undertake to keep the older person as independent as

• To enable ease of reading for your magazine readers, it is suggested that you write the report

using the following subheadings:
• 1) Introduction (including a brief introduction to the case study you have selected however do

not include the entire case scenario as the magazine will include this on another page)
• 2) How the person’s experience of ageing relates to social and psychological theories of ageing
• 3) The communication theories that underpin the way you would interact with the person.
• 3) The age-related changes that relate to the person (dot points can be used in this section)
• 4) The assessments a community registered nurse would undertake to keep the person as

independent as possible and the rationale for these (a table format can be used for this section)
• 5) A review of their medication outlining the implications, possible adverse effects and

interactions. (a table format can be used for this section)
• 6) Nursing interventions and rationales (you can use a table format for this section that

identifies the issue, the corresponding intervention and its justification)
• 7) Conclusion where you summarise the main points of the report.
• 8) Reference list
• Choose one of the following case studies for your magazine report.
• Case Study 1: Merindah
Merindah is a 79 year old Indigenous woman who lives in Cootamundra in Wiradjuri country. She has

been a very active and involved member of the community. After retiring from her Registered Nurse

role at the local hospital, she spent many hours doing volunteer work with older Indigenous people

and was recognised in a Premier’s Award in 2012.
• Her once beautiful black hair is now dull, thinning and grey. Her skin is dry and wrinkled.

Merindah feels the cold more than she used to.
• Merindah had a hip replacement three months ago du




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