Choose a global business form the following

Written document:              A short report   

Marks:                                  20    

Report Due:                          Week 11

Words limit:                          2500                   

  • Choose  a global business form the following :
  • Milk industry (in Australia and New Zealand)
  • Car industry (especially Peugeot in China)
  • On line retailing especially Alibaba vs Amazon
  • Container shipping – Maersk)
  • Woolworths and Coles operating overseas markets
  • Organic food company trying to expand in international market
  • Health and fitness company
  • Any small to medium size company in Australia which is trying to expand

Note: You need to discuss your choice with your lecturer before you start your assignment.

  • Discussion on theory maximum 20%
  • This assignment is in report form with the following headings:
  • Executive summary
  • Apply “AAA” framework which includes Adaptation, Aggregation and Arbitrage
  • Porters 3 generic strategies (cost leadership, differentiation, focus and Hybrid)
  • Diversification and Integration
  • Competitive advantage
  • Absolute advantage
  • Your comments or any recommendations
  • References Harvard style
  • Every member needs to bring at least 2 articles which the group would use and add that articles with your report with reference page. There is no need to submit the articles on BB.
  • Students need to submit a soft copy on BB and hard copy on Lvl 6 by due date.
  • To do well groups need to do a quality research and apply the above concepts from the subject.