Analysing a contemporary Australian public health policy

HAS 915/835 Public Health Policy –Assessment Task 3 Guidance
Task 3 – Analysing a contemporary Australian public health policy using a theoretical framework – illicit drug use
Guidance on how to complete this task 1. Choose a specific topic (e.g. one illicit drug) to focus on in your assessment task. Suggestions are:  Cannabis (Marijuana)  Amphetamine-type stimulants  MDMA (Ecstasy)  Heroin or other opioids  Cocaine Useful websites to assist you in selecting an illicit drug to focus on: Australian Crime Commission Australian Government. Australian Institute of Criminology 2. Choose a theoretical framework for your Assessment Task. You can choose one that has been covered in our lectures or another that you locate in the literature. Frameworks covered in lectures this semester:  Kingdon’s Theory – Policy Streams (Kingdon, 1995)  Advocacy Coalition Framework (Sabatier, 1988)  Theorization of Coalition Structuring (TCS) (Lemieux, 1998)  The Australian Policy Cycle (Althaus et al., 2013, Coveney, 2010)  Alford’s Structural Model (Williamson, 2008)
Other useful frameworks for policy:  Buse, Mays and Walt, Health Policy Triangle (Buse et al., 2012)  Collin’s Health Policy Analysis Tool (Collins, 2005) 3. Read the Assessment Task Description in the Subject Outline: “Theoretical frameworks assist us to understand a policy area in a way that makes relationships of influence more clear. This assessment will give you the opportunity to integrate the major themes of this course and apply them to understand one aspect of the public health policy area – illicit drug use. You will:  Explore and discuss the international policy actions which influence national, regional and local decisions  Use a theoretical framework to analyse the Australian policy agenda for a selected aspect of a policy area.  Identify the strategies and unique perspectives for the stakeholders 4. Structure your Assessment Task using the marking Criteria in the Subject Outline: Note: Students in HAS 835 are not required to address Criterion 5 in the table below (Refer to Subject Outline) Assignments will be submitted online to the Moodle site for the subject. Assessment Criteria Explanation of the criteria Mark /45
1. Select and describe a theoretical framework for public policy development
Briefly identify a framework of your choice and explain its origin
/5 2. Describe the policy area using the chosen framework Explain how the policy area translates into the elements of the framework  Identification of stakeholder groups  Identification of existing policies  Identification of political context /10
3. Review of current policy using the framework to organise your response
 Succinct summary of what has been implemented at national and regional levels
 Comments on the effectiveness of reviewed policies and an explanation of how effectiveness was evaluated
 Discussion of current policy impact on public health principles – equity; social justice; social determinants
/10 4. Discussion of alternative strategies  Identification of tensions and alliances within the stakeholder groups  Discussion of the evidence of policy alternatives  Discussion of potential impact of the alternative policy on public health principles – equity; social justice; social determinants /10
5. Analysis of the usefulness of theoretical frameworks
 In what way are theoretical frameworks useful from the perspective of stakeholders represented in them
 What are the limitations of theoretical frameworks
/7 6. Structure and presentation of paper including:  12 font, one and a half line spaced  Introduction, paragraphs, conclusion  References (including correct in-text referencing)  Academic literature and diversity of sources /3
5. Review the literature on your selected topic including:  peer-reviewed (library databases),  government statistics,  grey literature (government and non-government reports and/or policy statements)
6. Review the past student’s example  Do not copy this example exactly, rather observe the structure and style of writing and how the framework is used to analyse the policy
7. Prepare a draft of your assessment task  Create a draft of your Assessment Task two weeks prior to the submission date  Review this draft several times 8. You can submit your draft assessment on Turnitin in the subject Moodle site any time prior to the submission date (11.59pm, Monday, 9th November) and receive your originality report.  It takes about 15 minutes after you submit for you to receive your originality report  For more information on Turnitin’s Originality report click here or on the image below. 9. Review your draft assessment against the criteria listed in the Assessment 3 Marking Rubrics.  How would you grade your assessment? 10. You can email your draft assessment to your tutor for brief feedback. This draft must be provided to your tutor by Monday, 2nd November (11.59pm).  Needs to be submitted to your tutor by Monday, 2nd November, 11.59pm by email – one week prior to your final submission date –Monday, 9th November.  Your tutor will provide feedback by Thursday, 5th November, 11.59pm. Earlier if possible.
7. Submit final Assessment Task
 Submit through Turnitin by 11.59pm, Monday, 9th November
 Ensure your cover sheet is on the same document as your assessment task.
 There is a word version of the cover sheet on the Assessment 3 section on the subject moodle site
NOTE: If you require an extension you need to apply through SOLs using the online Academic Consideration Form. Extensions cannot be granted if you contact a subject coordinator directly by email.
ALTHAUS, C., BRIDGMAN, P. & DAVIS, G. 2013. The Australian policy handbook, Crows Nest, N.S.W. : Allen & Unwin, 2013 [i.e. 2012]
BUSE, K., MAYS, N. & WALT, G. 2012. Making Health Policy. 2 ed. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education.
COLLINS, T. 2005. Health policy analysis: a simple tool for policy makers. Public Health, 119, 192-196.
COVENEY, J. 2010. Analyzing public health policy: three approaches. Health Promotion Practice, 11, 515-521 7p.
KINGDON, J. W. 1995. Agendas, alternatives, and public policies, New York : HarperCollins College Publishers, c1995.
LEMIEUX, V. 1998. Lemieux, V. (1998). Les coalitions: Liens, transactions et controles aris: P.U.F.
SABATIER, P. A. 1988. An advocacy coalition framework of policy change and the role of policy-oriented learning therein. Policy sciences, 21, 129-168.
WILLIAMSON, C. 2008. Alford’s theoretical political framework and its application to interests in health care now. The British Journal Of General Practice: The Journal Of The Royal College Of General Practitioners, 58, 512-516.