World Oil Regions Proven Oil Reserves, as published by the CIA Factbook, 2009 . Source: Wikimedia / Emilfaro Open Google Earth and check…

World Oil Regions

Proven Oil Reserves, as published by the CIA Factbook, 2009. Source: Wikimedia / Emilfaro

Open Google Earth and check “Borders and Labels” in the Layers panel. In the Lab 5 folder, check the Major Known Oil Reserves folder and make the entire folder semi-transparent using the slider at the bottom of the Places panel.

Which of the following regions in NOT a location that has major oil reserves?

Gulf of Mexico


Saudi Arabia

Niger Delta (in the bend on the west coast of Africa)

Question 2



2. Question 2


Which continent presently does NOT have any known oil reserves?





Question 3



3. Question 3


Oil Fields

The petroleum industry in the United States began in 1859, when a gushing oil well was drilled in Titusville, Pennsylvania. Exploration and production quickly spread to Texas, expanding to surrounding states and then into the Gulf of Mexico.

At the Kimball oil field in Nebraska, this pumpjack converts the circular motion of its motor to a seesaw motion that raises oil from underground. 1972. Source:Wikimedia / U.S. National Archives and Records Administration

In the Permian Basin of Texas and New Mexico, sandstone layers ~2000 m deep have produced about 50 million barrels of oil over the past 70 years. Drilling of the Ackerly oil field near Lamesa, Texas, began in the 1940s.

Map of the Permian Basin. Source: Wikimedia / US Department of Energy

Check and double-click on placemark Question 3 to fly to the Ackerly oil field. You should see a grid of farm fields and roads dotted with small patches of dirt representing individual oil wells connected to the paved highways. In this part of the US, roads are spaced at 1-mile intervals, outlining areas of 1 square mile called sections. Use the Ruler to determine the size of a section in this view (remember to change the scale of the Ruler to miles).

Zoom in to see more clearly. Count the number of oil wells in several different sections, and average your results. Approximately how many oil wells were drilled per square mile in this oil field?





Question 4



4. Question 4


Which of the following factors may influence the spacing of oil wells? Check as many as apply.

Choices by the land owner

Permeability of the rock

Cost of drilling

Government regulations

Question 5



5. Question 5


Oil Traps

Geologists who explore for oil look for places where petroleum is trapped below an impermeable seal rock. Often, the seal is a layer of shale, while the oil resides in cracks and pore spaces in sandstone or limestone.

A simple oil trap formed by folded rock layers. Source: Wikipedia

Offshore oil fields commonly include oil traps associated with salt deposits. Subsurface salt can flow under pressure, forming complex structures. Sometimes, salt flows upward and pushes overlying layers into a dome shape called a salt dome. Salt that flows into the dome has to come from somewhere else, so layers above a place from which salt flows away sink down to form a basin. As this process continues, oil may become trapped under the edges of the dome, and that is where geologists look for oil deposits

Salt dome oil trap. Source: Drawing by E. Herrstrom

Check and double-click on placemark Question 5 to visit the Gulf of Mexico, where many oil wells tap deposits around salt domes. What type of feature does this placemark point to?

Salt layer

Oil trap



Question 6



6. Question 6


Check and double-click on placemark Question 6 to visit the Gulf of Mexico, where many oil wells tap deposits around salt domes. What type of feature does this placemark point to?


Salt layer


Oil trap

Question 7



7. Question 7


Check and double-click on placemark Question 7. What kind of structure is this?



Question 8



8. Question 8


Set units to kilometers, and use the Ruler to measure the diameter of the salt dome at placemark Question 7.

5-10 km

0.5-1.0 km

1-5 km

15-20 km

Question 9



9. Question 9


Other Energy Sources

In addition to fossil fuels (petroleum, natural gas, and coal), there are several other types of energy sources. Many people depend on nuclear power to produce energy, but this comes with numerous problems, such as accidental release of radiation and disposal of radioactive waste. In addition, nuclear energy, like energy from fossil fuels, is non-renewable. Renewable energy sources include:

  • Wind power: Wind turns large blades that drive a turbine to produce electricity.
  • Solar power: Panels collect the Sun’s energy for heating or for conversion to electricity.
  • Hydroelectricity: Water flows through turbines that generate electricity.
  • Tidal power: Incoming and outgoing tides spin turbines to produce electricity.
  • Geothermal energy: Deep wells tap the Earth’s internal heat to provide space heating or to power electric turbines.
  • Biofuels: Sugar cane, corn, and other plants may be used to produce liquid fuels, primarily for transportation.

Top left to right: Cattenom Nuclear Power Plant in FranceWind farm in Germany15 de Septiembre hydroelectric dam in El Salvador. Sources: Wikimedia / Stefan Kühn;Wikimedia / Philip May; Wikimedia / Ll1324

Bottom left to right: Serpa solar power plant in PortugalBus running on biodiesel fuel in the USNesjavellir geothermal plant in Iceland. Sources: Wikimedia / Ceinturion; Wikimedia / United States Department of Energy; Wikimedia / Gretar Ívarsson

Check and double-click on placemark Question 9 near the southern tip of India. What type of energy source is shown here?

Hydroelectric power plant

Geothermal power plant

Solar array

Wind farm

Question 10



10. Question 10


Check and double-click on Muppandal to zoom out to see the entire area of energy generation here. Is this type of energy “green” (renewable, non-polluting) or “not green” (it uses non-renewable resources and is possibly polluting the environment)?


Not green

Question 11



11. Question 11


Check and double-click placemark Question 11 to fly to an area southwest of Baie du Dore, Ontario, Canada. What type of energy source is shown here?

Hydroelectric power plant

Nuclear power plant

Wind farm

Solar array

Question 12



12. Question 12


Zoom out from this area to an altitude of about 250 km. Assuming that weather systems follow a general path from west to east, what major metropolitan area is downwind of this facility?

Chicago, Illinois

Ottawa, Canada

Toronto, Ontario

New York City, New York

Question 13



13. Question 13


Check and double-click on placemark Question 13, and you will see Nesjavellir Power Station in Iceland. What type of energy source is shown here?

Solar array

Wind farm

Geothermal power plant

Hydroelectric power plant

Question 14



14. Question 14


Search online to find out how Iceland takes advantage of its abundant geothermal resources. Approximately what percentage of all homes in Iceland are heated by geothermal hot water?





Question 15



15. Question 15


Check and double-click placemark Question 15 to see the Marstal Power Plant in Denmark. What type of energy source is shown here?

Hydroelectric power plant

Solar array

Geothermal power plant

Wind farm

Question 16



16. Question 16


The Marstal power plant is located on Aero Island, whose people are trying to become self-sufficient in energy, and by 2008, they had already achieved 80% reliance on renewable energy. Solar power supplied ~30% of heating needs, which is remarkable when you consider its geographic location. What is the latitude of Marstal?

25o N

35o N

45o N

55o N

Question 17



17. Question 17


Check and double-click placemark Question 17 to fly to a famous engineering structure, one that provides both energy and other services. What is this structure?

Hydroelectric power plant

Wind farm

Solar array

Geothermal power plant

Question 18



18. Question 18


What purposes does the Aswan High Dam fulfill? Select as many as apply.

Generation of electricity

Recreation in the reservoir (Lake Nassar)

Water for irrigation

Flood control