Project Management Objectives

The details of the project are in the attached file. I’m looking to fill in the information below with the information in the attached document. One page for the objectives and one for requirements.

Project Objectives

[This section will be used to identify project objectives that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant to the project, and time-bound. Objectives should relate to your group project; not the organizational goals and objectives.]

  • [Project objective that is unique to your group project.]
  • [Project objective that is unique to your group project.]
  • [Project objective that is unique to your group project.]
  • [Project objective that is unique to your group project.]

Project Requirements

[Describe the requirements of the project – these requirements will help your project team to measure the success of the project. NOTE: Requirements will characterize or define your project deliverables – these are not project activities.]

  • [High-level project requirement that is unique to your group project.]
  • [High-level project requirement that is unique to your group project.]
  • [High-level project requirement that is unique to your group project.]
  • [High-level project requirement that is unique to your group project.]
  • [High-level project requirement that is unique to your group project.]