Strategies For Teaching Elemantary School Students With Mental Disorders

Components of the ILP Harper


· No deviations without prior permission from the Instructor;

· No interviews, questionnaires, surveys without permission of CC attorneys and administrators.

· Seek permissions to construct Handbooks which are separate from the research component of the ILP.

These preliminary sections use small Roman numerals; each preliminary section is on a separate page:

Title Page (includes Running Head, title of paper, student name, etc.)

Abstract ( no more than 2 paragraphs, no personal statements, no second person statements; use third person and use past or perfect tense. For instance, This ILP has analyzed/argued/theorized/maintained/illustrated/posited, etc……..)

Acknowledgements (whom would you like to thank? — FAMILY MEMEBERS, TUTORS, FRIENDS,  FACULTY ARE SOME EXAMPLES)

Dedication (only if desired; this is usually to someone deceased, but there are exceptions. Speak to me before constructing)

o Table of Contents (sections, subtitles, and page numbers must match those in the paper)


The following chapter sections use Arabic numbers and subheadings as indicated.

· All chapters must use current APA documentation employing either past or perfect tense.

· Use direct quotes instead of paraphrases.

· Do not string quotes and/or paraphrases together.

· Page count starts with these chapters.

· Completed, accepted ILPs , without preliminary sections and References should be about 50 pages or more.

Chapter I: Introduction (5-7 pages with quotes from critical sources documented in current APA in every sub-section).

· Include the following subheadings in the Introduction;

· Use Arabic numbers;

· Sections may be in any order or in any combination; however, all sections must be present – use subheadings below and keep all sections limited to 1-2 pages each

Problem Statement at least one full page with a minimum of three quotes from critical sources within the last 3-5 years. No old sources — no paraphrases. One -2 pages.

History of the Problem at least two full pages with a minimum of three quotes from critical sources within the last 10 years and three more up to date sources for a total of 6 or more quotes — no paraphrases. One -2 pages.

Scope of the Problem (History and Scope can be combined: Use History and Scope as subheading) with quotes from critical sources. Here you provide demographic details, statistics, data. No paraphrases. Provide direct quotes. One -2 pages.

Rationale — about you; what is your story and experience and how do they relate to the ILP. This is not for you to ramble on about yourself, but rather to let the reader know the depth and breadth of your interest and experience. Keep the Rationale academic. Quotes from academic sources are optional, but can be supportive and make you more credible. One -2 pages.

Rationale and Methodology can be combined or Methodology as Chapter III with quotes from critical sources or Methodology – discuss with me first. You cannot conduct interviews, surveys, questionnaires, personal observations, case studies, etc. without college clearance. One -2 pages.

Research Questions the ILP seeks to answer. These may be in a list/bullet format. One -2 pages. This is the only place the writer is to construct questions. The rest of the paper answers the questions, not repeat them or ask others.

Anticipated Outcomes (what did you originally think you would find? These may be in a list/bullet format. One -2 pages.

Actual Outcomes (final draft – what did you really find out?). This goes on your finalized paper. These may be in a list/bullet format. One -2 pages.

Limits of the Study/Project. One -2 pages. What went “wrong”? Are there counter arguments and if you did not find and present them, why not? Did studies incorporate enough demographics? Did you? Provide explanations.

Chapter II: Review of the Literature — discussion with key references documented in current APA (15 to 20 pages). Acknowledge the shortcomings of the studies/works; present and then refute the counter arguments. The Lit Review will help shape what goes in the chapters. Include counter- arguments. You may have subheadings, but not short, choppy paragraphs of information.

Chapter III: Methodology — Methodology explains how you went about your research and construction of the paper (no more than 2 pages without prior approval).  SEE ABOVE: MAY BE COMBINED WITH RATIONALE

o Several Body Chapters of Discussion/Analysis for the ILP – meaningfully title each Chapter. Minimum of 3 chapters. Ideas can come from Lit Review — what do you need to explain more fully? Chapters should be at least 3 pages with quotes from academic sources.

Final Chapter — Conclusion/ Summary/Recommendations/Summary of Learning. Chapter should be at least 3 pages with quotes from academic sources.

References in current APA – no Wikipedia, regular dictionaries, regular encyclopedias, blogs, Crystalinks, Schmoop, Notes of any kind, web sites without authors, titles, and other copyright information.

Appendices (where applicable—these can include charts, graphs, additional information. None of this counts toward the 50 pages of the paper)

Handbook or Other if approved

Commitment Not to Plagiarize Form completed and signed; form can be found in MYCC, Student Services

ILP/IRP/Capstone Evaluation Form – google it. Complete top part, date, and sign. In the comment area, write your abstract; shorten it if you need to make it fit. Google the form; currently, it is not in Student Services

Current Resume — The final copy should be about 50 pages; these pages do not include anything from the cover page through the Table of Contents or anything after the Conclusion.

Any handbooks come after as appendix.

Separately submit two packets:

· The final, approved, electronic copy of entire ILP – this is packet One.

· All electronic pages from the cover page through the Table of Contents.

· Commitment not to Plagiarize, signed and dated. Evaluation form with top part completed, abstract in Comments area, signed and dated. This is packet Two.

All ILPs to be completed by the second or third semester, depending on how many Pro Sems the student must take.


Pro Sem I students must submit a complete, edited Chapter I: Introduction by the last class session. The instructor will ask for a very good rough draft in the interim.

Pro Sem II students must submit a complete, edited Literature Review by the last class session. The instructor will ask for a very good rough draft in the interim.  Pro Sem II students who do not have to take Pro Sem III must submit a totally complete, edited, acceptable ILP by___________.

Pro Sem III students must submit a totally complete, edited, acceptable ILP by _________

Anything submitted after due dates will not be read and/or graded until the following semester.

There is approximately $400 institutional charge for the following semester and beyond to complete the ILP.


All students:

• pay attention to last dates for ILP, Course Drop/Add, and Insurance Waivers

•students in Pro Sem turn in some portion of the ILP every class session

• submit final once approved.

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