marketing project

Project stage 1: (Create a product, service, or idea).

(landscaping business in Miami, florida)

  • What is the idea product or service you plan to offer? (AT LEAST 2 SENTENCES)
  • Describe the item you are planning to offer to the public. (AT LEAST 5 SENTENCES)
  • Explain the two main things that makes your offering unique. (AT LEAST 5 SENTENCES)
  • Is the offering a new product, idea, or service? (AT LEAST 2 SENTENCES)
  • Is the offering and improvement on an existing, product, service, or idea? (AT LEAST 3 SENTENCES)
  • Why would your offering be viewed as valuable to the public? (AT LEAST 5 SENTENCES)

Use actual data to determine if the product will be successful. Compare to offerings that are

similar. Cite using APA style.

PROJECT STAGE 2: (Marketing Plan.)

What is your company’s goals and objective? 5 SENTENCES

What type of business are you? 2 SENTENCES

What are you going to do to accomplish your goal and objectives? 5 SENTENCE

Create a SWOT analysis to determine the internal strengths and weakness and external

opportunities and threats. 10pts (Table form, see page 31 in textbook)

Structure and organization. 3 SENTENCES

Use actual data to determine if the product will be successful. Compare to offerings that are

similar. Cite using APA style.

Questions were answered in paragraph form. (except SWOT)