ENG1A San Jose City College Ch 5 & 6 I Kill Giants Novel Short Essay

  1. Write a minimum 200 words.
  2. Use at least two quote sandwiches from chapters 5-the end in I Kill Giants to support your answer.
  3. Write your response in the form of a PIE paragraph.
  4. Choose one of the following topics:


Choose one only. šŸ™‚

A. Chapter 6 contains Barbaraā€™s epic battle with a titan. As sheā€™s battling the Titan, Barbara tells him, ā€œSheā€™s going to live because I beat youā€¦ā€ To which the Titan responds, ā€œLittle warriorrrrā€¦.I diddd nottt come forrrr herrrrrā€¦.I cameā€¦ forrrr you!ā€ Discuss what he means.


B. Throughout the story, but particularly in Chapter 5, Barbara deals with the school bully. Have students visually depict Barbaraā€™s strategies while evaluating their effectiveness. Brainstorm other strategies students might use when dealing with bullies.


C. Your choice šŸ™‚



  1. Respond to two of your classmates
  2. Write 3-4 sentences minimum
  3. Use one quote from essay