Discuss some areas of human behavior and the mimd that psychologsist have used their research skills to better understand ourselves and change our behavior.

Treating Insomnia

Despite all the knowledge scientists have about the function and process of sleep, it is not known how much sleep humans actually need. Furthermore, people may need more or less sleep at different stages of life. What is clear is that a great number of people report that they do not get enough sleep because once they go to bed, the sleep they seek does not come readily.

For this you examine the stages of sleep and the biological and behavioral effects of sleep deprivation. You also assess the use of sleeping pills for the treatment of insomnia.

With these thoughts in mind

Provide a brief description of the stages of sleep and two potential effects of sleep deprivation on an individual’s daily functioning. Then describe the mechanisms of action of modern sleeping pills. Finally, explain one advantage and one limitation for using sleeping pills to treat insomnia.

Article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2890316/

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250-300 words

Discuss some areas of human behavior and the mimd that psychologsist have used their research skills to better understand ourselves and change our behavior. Such knowledge about how we think, feel and act can be put to good use. To illustrate you understanding, identify at least Five studies in the Hock Forty Studies book that have contributed or that you think could contribute, to improving our lives and society (THE FIVE STUDIES MUST BE DIFFERENT FROM THOSE SELECTED FROM THE PREVIOUS ESSAY)
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