Central Florida General Education Requirements in Higher Education Paper

Topic: In this unit, we have focused on the topic of General Education requirements in Higher Education by examining three content sources: one video, (Sanders) and two articles (Caplan) and (Sansel). Your paper should integrate ideas (quotations, paraphrases, and/or summaries) from at least two of these sources. The goal is to demonstrate that you understand the main points of each source and can apply the critical thinking skills of response and synthesis by making connections between the sources and integrating your own ideas to formulate a thesis.


Step 1: Listening and Note-taking

  • Listen to “Becoming a Learner” youtube video (Sanders) and take notes – Week 2

Step 2: Reading and Note-taking

  • Read “What students know that experts don’t: school is all about signaling, not skill building” (Caplan) and take notes – Week 3

Step 3: Using Notes to Write a Summary

  • Use your notes on the Caplan article to write a summary response – Week 4

Step 4: Reading, Note-Taking and Summary (Anders)

  • Read, take notes on and write a summary of “Your ‘useless’ liberal arts degree can give you an edge in tech.” (Anders) – Week 5

Step 5: Brainstorming & Prewriting

  • Gather your class materials from the three units we’ve studied. Look for connections between the sources we’ve used. Write a list of all ideas that come to your mind.
  • Meet with a tutor in in the INTO USF Tutoring Center. Review your list of connections from the sources, and brainstorm additional connections during your appointment. Talk with your tutor about the topic/ideas you’re most interested in and create an outline. It’s important to fully understand the ideas because your synthesis of the selected sources will comprise the body of your essay.
  • Formulate an idea about the topic that is new and hasn’t been addressed in the class sources. Support this new idea with class sources/discussions. Your new idea will comprise the conclusion of the essay.

Step 6: Writing the draft of CTP 1 (Summary Synthesis) Week 5

  • Using the notes/thoughts you have from Step 1, write your paper.
  • Take a look at the paper and be sure it follows all the guidelines on the assignment sheet and the scoring rubric.
  • Remember that you must include an appropriate reference to the sources each time you refer to them.
  • Schedule a tutoring appointment.

Step 7: Visiting a tutor—60 minute appointment

  • Meet with your tutor (bringing the assignment sheet and rubric with you) to go over what you’ve already written several days before the due date and make any revisions the tutor suggests.
  • The tutor should work with the student to ensure that a clear thesis statement exists. The goal is to demonstrate that the student understands the main points of each source and can apply the critical thinking skills of response and synthesis by making connections between the sources and integrating your own ideas to formulate a thesis.
  • If there’s anything you’re still unsure about, make an appointment with your instructor

Step 8: Formatting your paper and submitting it

  • Be sure to:
    • Use size 12 font
    • Double-space the lines
    • Have 1” margins on the left, right, top, and bottom of the page
    • Include your name, your class and section, and the date at the top of the paper.
    • Submit your paper via Turnitin on Canvas by Thusday, June 20th at midnight.
    • (Your Outline is due Thursday, June 13th at midnight, Turnitin is not required for the outline)