ethics of care, an offspring of feminist ethics,

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Module 7 Discussion Questions

Eric Rovie posted Mar 4, 2018 12:04 PMThis thread is pinnedSubscribePrevious Next This page automatically marks posts as read as you scroll.Adjust automatic marking as read setting

Last week’s module focused on the ancient Greek ideas behind an ethics of VIRTUE or CHARACTER. As we saw, and debated on the boards, the Greeks believed that living a good LIFE required more than just doing good ACTIONS, it required have a consistent and good character.  I posed a question about role models last week for you to consider and we had a nice discussion about that.

This week, we move to the ethics of care, an offspring of feminist ethics, that asks us to look at ethics from the perspective of relationships.  It is a theory that doesn’t require a set of rules (as utilitarianism or Kant might) but instead asks us to look at how relationships impact moral choices.  It is similar to, but not the same as, virtue ethics.

Here are some ideas that can start this week’s discussion.

A reminder: you’re supposed to post your own response to one of my questions AND respond thoughtfully to TWO of your classmates replies each week.


1. This approach to ethics was once called “feminist ethics” but the name has changed.  Why do you think calling it an ‘ethics of care’ is better or more effective than calling it ‘feminist ethics’?

2. This approach to ethics is noted for having NO PRINCIPLES.  There is no one central, unbreakable rule to ethics of care like there is in utilitarianism or in Kant’s theory.  Is the lack of a central rule/set of rules a GOOD or a BAD thing, in terms of an ethical theory?

3. Ethics of care approaches the resolution of conflicts in a different way than a utilitarian or even a set of legal rules might do it.  Consider the case of a very contested divorce custody battle: how might an ethics of care tell us to resolve this, and compare that to how our legal system might currently do it.

3. Ethics of care approaches the resolution of conflicts in a different way than a utilitarian or even a set of legal rules might do it.  Consider the case of a very contested divorce custody battle: how might an ethics of care tell us to resolve this, and compare that to how our legal system might currently do

Executive Coaching Research Paper

Executive Coaching Research Paper

Executive coaching has become an increasingly popular intervention for organizations. One of the reasons that coaching has grown so rapidly is that organizations have become aware of the problems and costs associated with employing leaders who have poor interpersonal skills or an inability to engage effectively with employees. The difficult question that many organizations face is how to choose the right coach. To further your understanding of Executive Coaching, submit a research paper on the field of executive coaching.

Write an 8-9 page research paper (excluding title and reference pages), addressing all of the following:

  • Provide a brief history on the development of executive coaching.
  • Justify the need for organizations to employ Executive Coaches.
  • Identify and critique executive coaching models, tools, and techniques.
  • Review the key competencies needed to be an effective Executive Coach.
  • Examine legal or ethical issues that may impact the work of Executive Coaches.

Note: A research paper is an expanded version of an essay in which you present your interpretation or evaluation of a particular topic. While you will draw on information you know about the subject, you will also build upon your knowledge of the subject by including the voice of experts in the field.

Use a minimum of five sources in addition to required course readings.

 quality of life/health and well-being for retired clergy and religious women and men.

You will need your completed Article Review Tool Excel spreadsheet for this discussion.

This discussion is an opportunity to check your use of Excel as a tool to show your work so far on dissecting research studies by sharing your analysis of one of the current studies from a counseling or counselor education and supervision journal you have located in your library research on a potential topic area for dissertation research.*

This discussion is an opportunity to check your use of Excel as a tool to show your work so far on dissecting research studies by sharing your analysis of one of the current studies from a counseling or counselor education and supervision journal you have located in your library research on a potential topic area for dissertation research.

**RESEARCH TOPIC:   quality of life/health and well-being for retired clergy and religious women and men.

Post your Excel spreadsheet with the analysis of one of the current studies you located completed (ensure each of the columns is filled in with the required information).

· Date of publication.

· Journal title.

· Authors and affiliations.

· Need for the study.

· Research question (or questions).

· Population sampled.

· Research method (quantitative or qualitative).

· Method (or methods) of data collection.

· Results (brief list of findings).

· Discussion (implications of findings).

· Limitations.

· Recommendations for further research.

Briefly discuss the recommendations for further research and how you could use those recommendations to develop a study to add to the knowledge base for the field. Be sure you cite and reference the article in correct APA formatting. Remember each discussion is an opportunity to practice APA formatting.

Professional Organizations and Counselor Competencies

Professional Organizations and Counselor Competencies

As you have seen, the American Counseling Association has large regional associations and state associations that support the counseling profession through education, advocacy activities, and networking opportunities. You also saw that some ACA associations also promote specialized counseling competencies for working with particular clients.

The Association for Spiritual and Ethical Values in Counseling (ASERVIC) is one of these associations. In advocating for the importance of the Spiritual Competencies, ASERVIC has published a white paper, which is a report that presents a position and helps readers outside the organization understand a particular issue. Clients’ spiritual beliefs are important for counselors to understand because they impact clients’ world views—the beliefs and assumptions people use to interpret the world around them.

Read this white paper and the ASERVIC competencies. Then, in your post, address the following:

· Create a hypothetical case in which you are seeing a client who has different spiritual beliefs and therefore a different worldview than you.

· Briefly describe the spiritual beliefs of your hypothetical client, and then briefly describe your own.

· Analyze how these differing spiritual beliefs and worldviews could impact both you and the client as you work together.

· Finally, identity three counseling competencies that you could use to bridge your differing views and beliefs in order to serve your client well.

Response Guidelines

Respond to two learners whose hypothetical client has a different belief system than you do. Compare the response you would have to the client with the response described by your peer, offering constructive ideas about additional spiritual competencies that might be important for the case.


· Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.

Counseling Native American Clients

Counseling Native American Clients

Discuss the types of mental health concerns you may likely encounter in counseling a Native American client, couple, family, or group (for example, the impact of educational disparities on career development). Incorporating the unit readings and Kim Spoor’s insights of the Anishinaabe culture, identify specific multicultural counseling competencies, skills, and ethical considerations to prepare for professional work with Native Americans.

Response Guidelines

Respond to the posts of at least two other learners. Your responses should be substantive and contribute to the conversation by asking questions, respectfully debating positions, and presenting supporting literature relevant to the topic. Please review the Faculty Expectations for any other requirements for peer responses.

Learning Components

This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

· Identify multicultural counseling approaches, competencies, skills, and ethical considerations to prepare for professional work with diverse populations.


· Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.

· ACA Ethics.

· ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors [PDF].

· AAMFT Code of Ethics.

Explain Descartes’ Method of doubt; what does he hope to accomplish from this method; is Descartes a skeptic?

Write a 2-4 page essay (in Word or Rich Text Format, double spaced, size 12 font) on one of the following topics. (Cite all sources you use to avoid plagiarism).

1.) Explain Descartes’ Method of doubt; what does he hope to accomplish from this method; is Descartes a skeptic?

2.)What is the significance of Descartes’ Cogito argument. How does it relate to the “evil demon” and dreaming doubt arguments?

3.) Does Descartes believe in God? If so discuss his argument(s) for the existence of God. Are they convincing? Why or why not? If you don’t think that Descartes actually believes in God defend your position.

4.) Discuss the so called “Cartesian Circle”; (a good source for this discussion are the articles on Descartes at the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy; is Descartes guilty of begging the question or arguing in a circle in his discussion of God as the guarantor of clear and distinct ideas and his clear and distinct idea of God?

5.) Explain the relationship between satyagraha and swaraj for Gandhi. How does his concept of non-violent resistance relate to his beliefs about God and punishment?

6.)How widely and to what effect has Gandhi’s non-violent resistance been employed in political struggles? what are some of its advantages and disadvantages?

7.) Explain Gandhi’s contention that external independence (swaraj) depends upon internal swaraj. Do you think his reasoning is correct? why or why not?

8.) Compare and contrast Gandhi and Plato on the issue of appearance and reality.

(Cite all sources you use to avoid plagiarism)

Cite all sources with quotation marks for direct quotes and parenthetical references. Don’t place urls in the body of your paper; cite online sources by author’s name or article title. Place urls at the end of the paper in the work cited page. Every student is encouraged to submit drafts of papers to Upswing under the tutoring tab for assistance with composition and proofreading.

write a description of the toy(s) that evaluates how developmentally appropriate or inappropriate this toy is for the particular age rating listed.

PSYC313: Child Development Spring 2018 Moffett

Toy Project Instructions

Due by 11:59pm April 19

The goal of this project is to find a toy, or two toys, with a suggested age rating listed on the toy (e.g. “for ages 4+”). The assignment is to write a description of the toy(s) that evaluates how developmentally appropriate or inappropriate this toy is for the particular age rating listed. You are not required to purchase the toy, simply provide a description of it, accompanied by a picture of the toy itself. Students are required to identify the skills that the toy is intended to elicit, and comment on the theories behind those skills.

Students should cover the following topics in their project:

· A general description of the toy (with a picture). What is the name of the toy? What is its intended use? What ages is this toy intended for?

· The developmental skills the toy is intended to elicit. What are the developmental skills that accompany children at the age this toy is intended for? Does this toy effectively elicit these skills? Why or why not?

· Developmental appropriateness of the toy. Is this toy developmentally appropriate for the ages listed on the toy? Why or why not?

· The developmental theories that this toy is building from. Based on our discussions in class, what are the developmental theories that back-up this toy? What are the theories that support the skills this toy elicits?

Students will also be required to provide a rating of the toy, overall, between a 1 (what on earth is this toy doing in stores?!? Take it off the shelf immediately!) and 10 (yes, this should definitely be sold in stores, I’m buying one for my little cousin right now!).

This assignment should be 2-3 pages in length, double-spaced, 12pt. Times New Roman font. This project is worth 25 points. The grading rubric is provided below.

Late submissions will be deducted 1 point per day it is late. No submissions will be accepted later than 5 days after the due date.

Electronic submissions will be accepted through Blackboard.

Toy Project Rubric

Name: ____________________________________________________ Grade: ________ / 25

Toy name: _____________________________________

· General description of the toy, accompanied by a picture (6 points)

· A general description of the toy is provided with a picture of the toy, explaining how the toy operates and how it is intended to be used (6 points)

· A description of the toy is provided, but it lacks a clear description of how the toy can be used, and no picture is provided (4 points)

· The description of the toy is vague and not helpful, also lacks a description of how the toy can be used, and no picture is provided (2 points)

· No clear description of the toy is provided (0 points)

· Description of the skills the toy is intended to target in the child (6 points)

· A clear description of the developmental skills is described, accompanied by a justification for how well this toy is eliciting those skills (6 points)

· A description of the developmental skills is provided, but a vague justification is given (4 points)

· A vague description of the developmental skills is provided, and no clear justification is given (2 points)

· No description of the skills elicited by the toy is provided (0 points)

· Developmental appropriateness of the toy (6 points)

· A clear description of the developmental appropriateness of the toy is given. And a justification for why the toy is developmentally appropriate or inappropriate is provided. (6 points)

· A description of the appropriateness of the toy is given, but a vague justification is provided. (4 points)

· Only a vague description of the appropriateness is given, and no justification is provided (2 points)

· No description or justification of the developmental appropriateness of the toy is provided. (0 points)

· Description of the theories that support the skills elicited by the toy (6 points)

· A clear description of the theories is discussed and matches the skills this toy targets (6 points)

· The discussion of a theory is provided but does not match the skills this toy targets (4 points)

· The discussion of the theory is vague, and does not match the skills this toy targets (2 points)

· No discussion of theory is provided (0 points)

· A rating of the toy overall (1 points)

· This rating should reflect the discussion that has already been provided in the project regarding the developmental appropriateness of the toy

· No rating is provided for this toy


Examine the roots, theories, and relevance of major trends in modern psychology

Assignment 12


Discussion Questions IV:

All assignments MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style and must be written at graduate level English. You must integrate the material presented in the text to support your discussion, citing in APA format. Outside sources may be used to support the text information, but not replace the text.

Your response to each question should be 1- 1 ½ pages per question. Assignment should be 6-9 pages total plus a title and reference page

  1. B.  F. Skinner has been criticized for proposing a model of human  functioning that negates the possibility that humans can exert free  will. Explain how human thought (cognition) could support claims of free  will in Skinner’s model. Be sure to define free will in such a system.
  2. We sometimes see rabbits and dinosaurs in cloud formations. Do Gestalt principles help to explain this and, if so, how?
  3. In  light of the growing interest in evolutionary explanations for  behavior, why does Freud’s emphasis on biological needs and drives seem  reasonable or unreasonable?
  4. Identify themes in the works of Carl Jung that seem consistent with contemporary cross-cultural approaches to psychology.
  5. The  story of the blind men and the elephant is an ancient parable from the  Indian subcontinent. In it, each blind man in a group touches just one  part of an elephant to learn what it is. When they compare notes, they  realize they disagree completely about what an elephant “is.” Compare  this parable to the humanistic movement in psychology.
  6. Medicine  is a practice that has always been rooted in biology of the body—its  structure, form, chemistry. As our knowledge of the importance of the  brain in behavior grows, it seems that psychiatry, a branch of medicine,  is the discipline best suited for the study of mental disorders. Is  there a role for clinical psychology in furthering our understanding of  mental illness?

Assignment Outcomes

Examine the roots, theories, and relevance of major trends in modern psychology


Explore the evolution of ideas within philosophy and psychology


Examine the ways in which worldviews (religious, political, moral, and psychological) shape psychological frameworks


Demonstrate  an understanding of the history of psychology as it relates to the  natural sciences, social sciences, and applied disciplines


Explore the evolution of methods of research and inquiry


Examine  the evolution of systematic biases and the roles of major individuals  and cultural influences in shaping modern psychology


Evaluate the ethical views of psychologists and other scholars across history

What is meant by the notion that mental illness is a social   construction? How does cross-cultural research suggest that   psychopathology is universal rather than a social construction?

Begin Final Exam
The Final Exam consists of eight (8) Essay questions. Use the reading   assignments thoroughly in an integrative discussion of your own understanding   of the questions posed. Remember to reference all work cited or quoted   by the text author. You should be doing this often in your responses. If you use outside resources, they should support the text information, but not replace the text.
All discussions must take into account the legal and ethical   considerations, as well as issues of culture and human diversity that   may pertain to the questions below.  Legal and Ethical information   is in Chapter 16 of the course text. Cultural information is covered   throughout the course text and DSM 5. You may use alternative cultural   resources to enhance your work.
Your response to each question should be approx. 1 page per question.
Your total assignment should be 8-9 pages plus a title and reference page.
Due Week 8
1.  What is meant by the notion that mental illness is a social   construction? How does cross-cultural research suggest that   psychopathology is universal rather than a social construction?
2.  It is widely recognized that people with autism spectrum disorder   display deficits in communication and social behavior. It is perhaps   less often noted that in some areas, their abilities may surpass those   of people without autism spectrum disorder.  What is your understanding   if this theory? How do the enhanced abilities of those with autism   spectrum disorder lend credence to an evolutionary approach to   psychopathology?
3.  Phrases such as “broken hearts” and “hurt feelings” liken  emotional  pain to physical pain. To what extent is the metaphor implied  in these  phrases supported neuroscientifically?
4.  The role of trauma and the experience of unusual states of  awareness  or identity in the dissociative disorders have led  psychologists to  explore the relationship between dissociation and  post-traumatic stress,  on the one hand, and hypnosis, on the other.  Briefly summarize the  results of this research.
5.  Discuss some of the reasons why the treatment of  substance-related  and addictive disorders is especially challenging.  Addiction to  methamphetamine is particularly difficult to treat. Review  some of the  cognitive deficits seen in methamphetamine addiction and  explain how  these deficits complicate efforts to treat the addiction.
6.  Outline the neurodevelopmental hypothesis of the etiology of   schizophrenia. In what way does schizophrenia represent a paradox from   an evolutionary standpoint?
7.  Discuss the evidence for genetic and environmental contributions  to  personality disorders. Identify the specific experiences that seem  to  underlie personality disorders. Which personality disorder seems the  most genetic?
8. Highlight the beneficial effects of physical exercise not only on   preventing cognitive impairment among older adults without   neurocognitive disorders but also on reversing decline among those with   mild neurocognitive impairment.
Assignment Outcomes

Analyze the physical, cognitive, social and personality aspects of abnormal psychology and implications across the life span

Examine the major diagnostic domains and specific criteria associated with DSM-5 disorders.

Evaluate legal and ethical issues in mental health treatment

Develop an awareness of diversity and cross-cultural perspectives in abnormal psychology.

Explore available treatment and interdisciplinary services for community members experiencing mental health disorders.

Identify the barriers associated with seeking and receiving therapeutic services.



Individual Assignment

Each team member will work independently to write a 4 page (double-spaced) theoretical rationale that explains the choices that you made in creating your lesson. We are studying different theoretical perspectives on learning (e.g., Piaget, Vygotsky, behaviorism, information processing, situated learning, observational learning), and I would like you to explain how your lesson is based in learning theory and research. For example, was your lesson primarily Vygotskian? If so, what specific aspects of your instruction/ objectives/ assessment were consistent with Vygotskian developmental or educational principles? Be very specific in your analysis. Show me how well you understand the theories and related concepts. Most lessons draw from a few different theories. Just be sure you can explain your choices. APA style parenthetical citations should be included as well as a full references list. OUTSIDE CLASS RESEARCH ON THE THEORIES IS NOT REQUIRED. YOU CAN PULL FROM THE TEXTBOOK AND CLASS NOTES. (BOOK; Woolfolk, A. E. (2016). Educational psychology (13th ed.). Boston: Pearson.)

Information needed for the paper:

Lesson tittle: ‘The use of Foam Rollers’

Target Audience: College Students

Materials: Foam Rollers, Kahoot Questionnaire, Post Presentation Diagram Quiz

Instruction Objectives:

1.      When students are asked about foaming rolling and avoiding tight muscles, students will be able to express the different ways to roll out muscles (Cognitive: Knowledge)

2.      After a workout or physical activity, students will be able to loosen their muscles through the different foam rolling strategies (Psychomotor)

3.      When asked to demonstrate a rolling technique, students will be able to perform and explain the desired technique (Psychomotor)

Classroom Management:

·        Students will work in pairs performing the rolling techniques

o   One student will roll while one student holds cards that direct the other student on which technique they are going to do


·        Social Cognitive Theory

o   Demonstrating the techniques

§  Bandura argues that people acquire knowledge by observing others

·        Vygotsky’s theory

o   Placing Students in groups and allowing them to perform the different stretches

§  People learn by doing things and being active in their learning

§  Guided Learning

·        Information Proccessing

o   Homework/Take Home Quiz

o   Students will active their long term memory through rehearsing the techniques

o   Through encoding, which is performing the desired technique, they will move the short term memory to long term

·        Operant Conditoning

o   Positive Reinforment

§  Students will be asked questions about different stretches and give granola bars as a reward for their answer

NOTE: The exercises demonstrated are going to be for lower body only, specifically, HARMSTRING, CALF and QUADRICEP.